A glam christmas table

November 18, 2009


Because we aren’t hosting Thanksgiving this year, I figured I would go ahead and tackle Christmas decor in the dining room, just because I’m excited to decorate it for the holidays after the new dramatic makeover.

I had the decor in my head, but I stopped midway when I found new inspiration at Goodwill, of all places. I got a small tub full of ornaments in the most gorgeous colors – colors I’ve never used for Christmas decor. They were sparkly coffee brown, creamy latte and copper tones and I fell. in. love.

So the new table was born in my head. : )

First, I started with my greenery. Greenery is my addiction this time of year. I’m not even kidding peeps, you’ll probably see it in every post for the next six weeks. I would fry it up and eat it for breakfast if I could. LURVE.

I just cut it apart with my wire cutters and stuffed it here and there so it filled in the empty spots on the centerpiece:


If you are new to these parts, you can see how I created the centerpiece here. : )

Then, I just filled it with the metallic ornaments here and there:


The shiny ornaments are looking gold in the pics, but they are really a gorg copper color. (You can also see me contorting myself to get a good picture in the reflection. Ha!)

I added some pine cones I had in my Christmas decor stash:


I had spray painted them with my caramel latte spray paint:


It is a loverly color. It just screams Christmas.

I gave the votive holders a tiny bit of bling by brushing on just a bit of glaze, then sprayed them with gold glitter spray:


It gives them look of strie, which I love.

I finished off the table with massive sparkly ornaments from Hob Lob in each bowl:



The ornaments were two per package, half off…so about $10 for all of them. The ornaments in the centerpiece were $7 at Goodwill, but I have a ton left I plan to use elsewhere. The rest of the items I had.


My obligitory night time shot:

062I am SO thrilled with how it turned out. Simple, but glam. Sigh. (I just realized every picture I decided to use is from this same angle -- sorry about that! Must be it's "good" side.)

The longest part of this project was waiting for the paint to dry on the votives and pine cones. Putting the rest of it together took about 20 minutes. Easy peasy Squeeeezaaaays!!

Has the Christmas decorating bug bitten you yet?

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  1. Gorgeous! It's because I *am* hosting Thanksgiving next week that I'm holding out for Christmas....sigh...I need a tree!

  2. the Christmas decor bug has bitten over here too. However I have to keep scratching at the sore to get relief. Corny yes I know, but I am hosting Thanksgiving this year so the Christmas will have to hold off a teensy weensy bit more.

  3. This is stunning! It's the colors that really make this table. And the idea of the big ornaments in the bowls is perfect! I just posted my Thanksgiving table on my blog so you're one holiday ahead of me... :)

  4. I'm dying to decorate but I promised my hubby I wouldn't do it before Thanksgiving so I've just been getting it all out and trying to get stuff built and organized and ready to go.

  5. The Christmas bug has come to my house too, but I've resisted so far! I love the monochromatic dining decor! So rich and warm, like coffee!

  6. Absolutely stunning! We're hosting Thanksgiving this year so no decor yet. Although, we've traditionally left Autumn decor up till the day of Thanksgiving and then out comes the magical decor of Christmas!

    Ok, I gotta ask... I've been noticing on blogs that lots of folks are setting up their dining room table all purty and decorated and tablesetting, plates, bowls, glasses, etc. Do you seriously leave it that way the entire time?? Or is it just for photo taking to show how it will be when you have your guests over for Christmas (or any other holiday for that matter)? I guess I find that hard to imagine leaving it that way with three kiddos here.

  7. WOW! Score! Those colors are all the rage - that and black. Love that it came from the goodwill of all places!

  8. Great color palette, unusual! Yes, I've been bitten and have started my decorating. I'm not really into holiday decor, but this time I'm putting some effort into it!

  9. Looks great! I can't wait to get the Christmas stuff out!


  10. I just bought ornaments in that color at the Dollar Tree this evening! I'm not "Allowed" to decorate until after thanksgiving, but you can bet the day after I am pulling out all the boxes! I am soooo excited!

  11. GORGEOUS!!! I love reading your blog! You inspire me on a daily basis! :)

  12. SARAH!! I'm sure now that this is my *favorite* room you've ever done. Looooove it.


    I added Christmas music to my blog today because I'm just feeling it. And made my cards the other day. Yay!

  13. Great photos! Did you pick your wall color to match those cute ornaments? haha

    Looks great!

  14. wow!! so elegant! i absolutely adore it!! :) and yes, I am so ready for all the christmas decor to pop out ha! A few neighbors have put up christmas lights and it gets me excited :)

  15. So pretty!!!! I'm holding off just a little bit longer, I still have Thanksgiving decorations to finish! Ha!

  16. Oh yes, it's bitten me, I just don't have a lot to work with yet.

  17. I'm a red/green/silver girl myself, but your table looks great!

    Our Christmas stuff will be making its debut next Friday!!

  18. Love it! Got bit by the 'bug' last week and have been enjoying the Christmas music and decor ever since!!! Can't give me enough of Christmas.:) Looking forward to seeing what else you do. What AMAZING talent!

  19. Your table is beautiful! I have those same brown glittery ornaments. I'm using them on my christmas tree even for Thanksgiving. Yes, I'm decorating a tree for Thanksgiving. LOL

  20. I love it - love, love, love all the browns and coppers. It is so sophisticated and warm. Makes me want to get out my decorations (gotta see if I can talk the hubby into helping me with the boxes).

  21. SOOOO Beautiful. I saw that frame centerpiece, I think on one of your other posts, but I have to know where you got those cylinder type linen covered candle hurricanes. I have never seen those before...I think I need them! Please do share if you remember.

  22. I love it! & I'm completely loving the browns and coppers this year! I've been trying to figure out how to use them & the dining room is the perfect spot! Good call! Especially in your new lovely dining room... perfection!

  23. I started decorating yesterday for Christmas! And I love it! Love your idea and thanks for sharing!

  24. Your centerpiece looks great in the xmas fashion!!!! I love it! I've had xmas in my head for some time now, but I haven't been able to do anything... yet.

    Love your post!

  25. Don't cha love these colors? I used them last year. Alas, not in my house, but in a client's. Took yards and yards of fabric - bronzes and rusts and golds - crammed them into their tree, added ribbon, feathers. Dee-lish! That post is upcoming. I did a post today w/bronzes and creams on outdoor drive gates. Come on over and see the pics.
    btw, thanks for the Krylon update. I haven't seen that new color and it's wonderful!
    I'm hosting Thanksgiving, but who cares? I'm starting this weekend, too! And, yes, I put up more than one tree. Will just have to see how many I get to this year. I want to do an outdoor one w/birdie treats as ornaments.
    Fabulous job, Sarah, as always.

  26. I love the color of the bulbs you found... so pretty, yet earthy. I just switched to Live Writer and few weeks ago & it is great!

  27. Sarah, just beautiful..holding off on Christmas decorating until after we get back from my sisters in IL around the 5th of December, then WATCH OUT.
    Your blog looks great, I also found LIVE WRITER and I love it. I can do a quick post in just a few minutes, and I love how to use the links and pictures..I am definitely hooked on Live Writer!
    hugs~ Barb

  28. So pretty, so festive, so YOU!
    Love the new dining room and all of the rich colors of the season that make it so warm and inviting!


  29. We, too, are having a houseful for Thanksgiving, so will decorate the weekend after. Thanks for all the great ideas. ~Natalie

  30. I enjoyed the peek at your early decorating. I will be starting my own decorating this weekend since we are having TG dinner next door.

  31. BEAUTIFUL!!! Love the colors in the centerpiece and the big ornaments in the bowls!!! When I get back from visiting my daughter in CO, I will be decorating!!!! Your dining room chairs look fabulous!!!

  32. GORGEOUS! I love those colors! So fun! And the ornaments in the bowls...I am SO copying that!!

  33. Gorgeous! Beautiful! Stellar! Absolutely Perfect for your new Dining Room! Great find in those colors.

  34. I can't wait to decorate for Christmas but I want to give Thanksgiving the recognition it deserves.

    Your dining room table is beautiful but I do have a concern. While the bulbs in the bowls look nice the ornaments have glitter on them. I do hope you plan on washing those bowls out before using them (if you plan to use them next week) because I myself wouldn't want to consume glitter with my soup. Other than that, you did a great job! You're always inspiring me. =)

  35. Stunning as usual. I won't get to decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving this year due to my hysterectomy scheduled for Mon. Totally bummed! My niece is going to come over the following week to help though.

  36. I can't wait to decorate and I already have all the bins down! :) My colors are hot pinks, turquoise, greens, and silver. LOVE IT!

    My living room, where we put the tree, has all white furniture and my couch and chairs are in the pinks, blues and greens so it all goes together quite loverly!

    LOVE the coppers and browns and it ties your room in so nice! Great job!!

  37. It goes so good with your dining room! Love these colors myself. Joann's had the super huge ornament balls, but they were 3 for $24.99 and JC Penney had them 4 for $even more {I passed}.

  38. That is beautiful! And I love love LOVE your dishes!

  39. Looks gorgeous! The bug has bitten. I've got two of my twelve trees up and decorated. I'm trying to hold out until after Thanksgiving to do the rest, but not sure that's going to happen.

  40. I've been bitten and I'm biting back right now. I'm trying to hold off until after Thanksgiving. Your table looks very elegant. I use the copper color in my Christmas decor too.

    Love your blog, I've been stalking for awhile now! Come by sometime and say hello.

  41. Beautiful Sarah! I'm getting antsy about decorating for Christmas too. For me Thanksgiving and Christmas go hand in hand. The things I am most "thankful" for all have to do with the meaning of Christmas so I love to have the tree up for Thanksgiving.

  42. Cool!!! I love your centerpiece. In fact, I may just "borrow" your idea for my fireplace :-)
    Enjoy your decorating. I may start this weekend too, woohoo!!!

  43. I luv luv luv luv, luvvvvv your blog.. did I say I luved it? Your christmas table is beeutiful! I am also decorating as we speak. Tons of boxes are lining my hallway and living room. Let the Christmas celebrations begin!

  44. I luv luv luv luv, luvvvvv your blog.. did I say I luved it? Your christmas table is beeutiful! I am also decorating as we speak. Tons of boxes are lining my hallway and living room. Let the Christmas celebrations begin!

  45. Simply STUNNING!!! I LOVE the way it turned out!!

    Can't wait to see what else you come up with, I have no doubt it will be just as gorgeous!!

  46. Love the colors and your little candle holders! So precious! And those big bronze sparkly balls are perfect!

  47. You have all going for glam. I love the whole thing. Thanks for sharing your great photos and ideas.


  48. LOVE it! Goodwill never fails, huh?! I can't wait to start decorating...my first Christmas in my own place :D

  49. This looks beautiful! I love your choice of colors. I definitely love it! You have brought the Christmas Bug out in me. It bit me a while back while in Walmart grocery shopping. The Christmas isles smell like Cinnamon and of course smells bring back all kinds of memories for me. Then reading how excited you were, makes me excited. We've decided to decorate right after Thanksgiving this year (That Sunday). Earliest we ever have but I'm excited! Happy HOLIDAY CHEER! ox

  50. I love all the things you do with that centerpiece. I have the Christmas bug- B.A.D. I am hosting Thanksgiving, but I'm still leaning towards starting some things here and there....I just can't seem to wait!

  51. LOVE IT!!!!!! I read your blog daily and you are sooo awesome!

  52. I love what you have done in your dining room. It definitely is festive! Since we celebrated Thanksgiving in Canada already I am free to start decorating, but am waiting until the first week of December. I have started lighting the cinnamon scented candles though. Yum!

  53. Hey Sarah,
    The post looks great!
    I tried Windows Live Writer for a couple of weeks but what happened was awful. Basically, my posts stopped showing up in peoples readers and people thought I had stopped blogging. As long as that doesn't happen to you, I say keep using it!

    Layla :-)

  54. i read your blog daily & love it! i usually don't comment but i do have one question... can i come to your house for dinner? ha! the table looks GREAT!!

  55. Your decor looks fab as always but the new look to your blogging is awesome! Love the rounded pics! Live writer does that for you?

  56. LLLLOOOOVVVVEEEEEE this table & it's Christmas style! So beautiful!!!

  57. You have out done yourself....Beautiful.

  58. love it! I am decorating this weekend! SOOOO excited. Also, I have the brown, gold, coppery, carmel colors for the tree! It is BEAUTIFUL!

  59. The colors are perfect for your dining room! I love it!!!! I have been feeling a little Christmasey. I always thought that we should wait until after Thanksgiving to even THINK about Christmas but I saw a comment from someone the other day that said something along the lines of Christmas only getting one month, while fall gets three. That made me say hmmmmm. ;)

  60. Love it Sarah:) I am a faux snow fanatic!!! I would make my 2 1/2 yr. into a tiny snowman if I could:) Lololol I would definately add a touch of the stuff to your pine cones and or greens!!! It really pops!!!Delta tub o snow or any faux brand in a jar.

  61. Don't you just hate waiting for the paint to dry? I sprayed a frame matte black last night and kept running down to check if it was ready for me to put the pictures in!!!!

    Love the colours on your table ... GLAM and festive!
    I get tired of red and green so this is really fresh.

  62. Wow! Love the colors! Love the ambiance! Love love LOVE!

  63. OMG! Simply stunning!

    I love just about everything you've done with your home and can't wait to start implementing some of these ideas in our new home.

  64. That is beyond gorgeous!! Love it. I'm a brown/bronze girl so that is just beautiful.

  65. Gorgeous! Am loving the non-traditional Christmas colors. I used to be an red and green girl, not anymore! There are so many other great colors out there these days.

  66. beautiful! and impressed you have it out already!

    I am just seeing your new blog layout and it is absolutely gorg! It has been so neat to see your blog grow this past year. I am so glad I got to be a part of the journey! Congrats on your success! You are a very talented, and not to mention sincere and kind, blogger! :)

  67. Gorgeous! (as usual!) :) I love the ornaments! The table setting looks so pretty especially in the night picture!

  68. I just luv the colors. It all looks so awesome!

  69. It's so beautiful that I want to eat one of those big copper ornaments with a spoon! Love it. And I love the idea of you laying all contorted across your dining room table in order to get some of those pics :). Don't we all do it all the time? Pics are beautiful. Livewriter is working for ya.

  70. It's so beautiful that I want to eat one of those big copper ornaments with a spoon! Love it. And I love the idea of you laying all contorted across your dining room table in order to get some of those pics :). Don't we all do it all the time? Pics are beautiful. Livewriter is working for ya.

  71. It is absolutely beautiful! I just love the colors and it is indeed elegant yet simple. I have been admiring your centerpiece for a while now and just love how versatile it is. I think I am going to copy it and make one for my dining room table.

    ~ Tracy

  72. I don't know what Livewriter is, but I love what you did with your pics!

    And your dining room...um...so jealous. The colors are EXACTLY what I have in mind for decorating our house for Christmas this year. Thanks again for more inspiration! You rock! ;)

  73. It is truly gorgeous - I love the colors, very festive but elegant at the same time- Can't wait to see what the rest of your house looks like all decorated!

  74. It is truly gorgeous - I love the colors, very festive but elegant at the same time- Can't wait to see what the rest of your house looks like all decorated!

  75. Absolutely fab - i'm following now - can't wait to see more!

  76. Absolutely fab - i'm following now - can't wait to see more!

  77. Sarah, it's breathtaking!!! I love those browny colours, picked up some glass pinecone ornies in the summer in that colour.. so beautiful and elegant!! I also love how you cut the greens.. seems almost taboo to do that! I'm getting my clippers out! Excellent job, congrats! Oh, by the way.. what is Live Writer and where can we get it? ;D

  78. It's starting to nibble on me a little bit, the decorate for Xmas bug. You did a spectacular job on this! LOVE it! I've used Windows Live Writer since last summer. Wouldn't blog without it!

  79. It looks absolutely GORG, as you say. Hehe. I love the glitter and the pinecones too! I think I'd better go on a nature walk and scoop some up to use myself. I hope mother nature doesn't mind!

    The bug hasn't bitten me yet, but I have a feeling it will soon! I go a little crazy with Christmas decor.

  80. I want to decorate, too! But we ARE hosting Thanksgiving. But you did inspire me to do just a little bit:


    I read your blog daily and LOVE it, thanks so much!!

  81. Your table is fantastic! I would love to do stuff like that... but I have one child who loves to explore everything. Likes to pick off glitter and try and bounce anything that looks like a ball ;)
    Yes... I've been bitten, but I'm refraining. Ugh! Hosting a book club tonight, watching a friend's kids over the weekend, in-laws flying in on Monday... I think it will all go up the day after Thanksgiving. I don't want to wait that long, but it's just not gonna happen before then! Maybe I'll leave it up an extra week or two to make up for lost time ;)

  82. @Cheap Chic Home. I just love the browns & bronzes for Xmas.

  83. Everything is just gorgeous! Live Writer is the best...I love it. :)

  84. Gorgeous table setting! I bought a box of 50 ornaments in those same colors at Wally World for $15! You need to check them out!

  85. Have you been to Eddie Ross' blog lately. . he has a gorgeous wreath made from ornaments and a coat hanger. . would be a great idea for all those left over good will ornaments. . hang the wreath on the wall in the dining room. . with a big ol cream or chocolate ribbon

    your post made me want to comment :)

  86. I can't say the bug has hit me. I am still trying to finish my DARN fireplace! But once it is finished I have a feeling I will get a little "spray paint" crazy and "greenery" crazy over here. CANT WAIT!
    Love how festive it looks

  87. just gorgeous darling.. what a super Fab idea!


  88. OOOh you find the BEST stuff at Goodwill!! And yes early xmas decorating is a must!!

  89. Oh yep! I'm right in the middle of it myself, decided to get an early start on it since my stuff was already out from the Holiday House. I love bronze tones too & use a bunch of it in my decor. Yours looks beautiful, as always!

  90. GORGEOUS!!!! I love it!!! I am already devorating as well. Check out my blog. http://oceansblog09.blogspot.com/

    I LOVE your blog. I check it everyday!!!!

  91. I made my own version of your centerpiece that I am posting on my blog tomorrow for Frugal Friday. I would like to put a link on it to yours - yours is much better than mine and so are your pictures! Is that alright with you?

    Sharyl Williams

  92. Can we come to your place for Christmas dinner? :) Girl, that is so glam...I love it!!! I haven't tried Live Writer, but now I'm thinking I should give it a go. :)

  93. I just love your dining room!!! Great idea with the metallic spray paint and I will definitely be making a trip to Hob Lob to pick up some over those over sized ordainments!

  94. "WOW" I am all about the GLAM' ;)you did a beautiful job. Love the warm colors. Just Beautiful, like everything you do.

  95. Been bit, but trying to be good. Every day I come home w/ more new Christmas decor when I'm SUPPOSED to be shopping for OTHERS! Love those ornaments. I'm using those colors this year too (and last). Wish I could find deals like you find at Goodwill! Ours isn't that nice!

  96. So pretty - I want to come to your holiday party!!


  97. The table looks great! I love the warm brown tones...so it's great to see it really can be used to decorate for Christmas.
    I'm a big Christmas fan as well, but I have to hold out for the day after Thanksgiving. That's when the decor comes out and the music is finally played.

  98. Soooooooo beautiful!! I mean wow, so gorgeous!!

  99. Gorgeous!! I can tell you don't have cats =) I think I just bought the dinner plates that match your bowls - from Pier 1. Thanks for the ideas. Did you use real tea lights or battery in your votive holders? Thanks - and happy merry joyful holidays!!

  100. What a gorgeous table. Could you please post a shot of your chairs and tell us where they were purchased. The fabric looks so beautiful, I'm guessing perhaps you reupholstered them yourself.

  101. Gorgeous table! I love the large ornaments sitting in each bowl. Beatiful job!

  102. This is gorgeous!! You have done a great job already! I haven't started any Christmas decor yet. I just can't bring myself to start before Thanksgiving, but I've been thinking and planning! Can't wait!!

  103. I use brown and gold decorations too! Love it!

  104. I just came across your blog, and I love your wonderful decorating ideas and tips! You centerpiece is GORGEOUS! I love it!

  105. Your table looks great, I'm going to dust off my decorations this weekend!

    I'm a huge fan of windows live writter too, it's so quick and easy. It makes blogging so much easier.

  106. BEAUTIFUL!! Everything is so festive.

    mY tOUR iS nOW sHARED....come by, if you can, to visit. Happy Holidays!


  107. Your home is just beautiful! May many wonderful Christmas memories be made within its walls.

    Our home is having an old fashioned handmade Christmas this year. I hope you will stop by.

  108. Love the table. Cannot wait to start.,Anyone know where to get the fabric hurricane shades?


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

You can find our paint colors and links to items at the "Our Home" tab at the top of my site.

THANKS so much for reading!