Easy Valentine's Day crafts for a few bucks

February 08, 2009

I gathered supplies for a few easy and cute Valentine Day projects:Valentine XO craft For the first, I used my leftover rose petals from this wreath project...just stuck them into my dollar store foam ball and voila!!: Errrr....wait...forgot about this one last decoration a six weeks ago. 

Do you find Christmas stuff in random spots months later? Yeeeeah. Here we go: DIY Valentine kissing ballFor the second project, I painted the sides of the cardboard letters, then used spray adhesive to put the paper on the top. 

Trimmed around it and got this how-cute-is-this little "XO" Valentine decor:
XO Valentine easy craft
I really wanted to do XOXO, but was too cheap when I bought them the other day. Now, I'm going to go back and spend extra gas money just to get two more. 

I was inspired by my friend Melissa's cute DIY Valentine decor and threw this easy framed art together:

 I threw it together with a Goodwill frame, some pink paper behind the glass, and the Scrabble tiles hot glued to the top.

It would be even cuter with some adorable V-Day paper behind it, but I was trying to use what I had. :)

This one was along the same lines, another Goodwill frame, with paper and a sparkly Target dollar spot heart glued to the front:

Other than these few crafty projects, I really don't do much Valentine's decor. 

Just some candy:
(Ignore the Christmas candy still in the bottom. Need to "purge" that too I guess.)

I needed some Valentine love today and these easy crafts did the job. Easy, cheap, cute!
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  1. Love the X&O! Funny, I wouldn't have had any christmas candy leftover...not in my house! We have big time sweet tooths!

  2. Those X&O letters look so great! The way you decorate always seems so classy and timeless and wonderful :)

  3. That kissing ball is so cute! Xmas candy doesn't last very long in my house either...those m&m's would be in my belly right now if the jar was here! lol

  4. Isn't it amazing how good crafting is for the soul?

    It's all wonderful, and I hope it was a comfort to you.

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog! I have been sitting at the computer all night reading about the precious baby who went to be with the Lord! My heart has just been broken! I have been sitting here with tears running down my face! I just finished chemo in November and after reading her story I feel guilty that I made it through cancer but this precious child did not! My prayers are with this family!! On a lighter note, you have some very cute ideas! I am getting married in April and my fiance has built a house. I am about to start decorating and love some of your ideas! Hope to stay in touch! Lyndsie from danielandlyndsie.blogspot.com.

  6. cute, cute! i have to copy your xoxo idea! loving it!

    by the way - your comment on my blog is CRACKING ME UP.

    Seriously. Who names their kid Kora Kandi? It just AIN'T RIGHT.

  7. Cute V day decorations! You deserve some craft therapy after so much organizing!!!


  8. I loved your Valentine projects, especially the XO. I'll have to remember that cute idea for next year.

    Don't feel bad, I've still got Chrismas candy around too (and probably Halloween if you look hard enough!)

  9. Hey, Sarah! Swing by my blog - I've given you an award! :)

  10. Love the XOXO well XO for now. I usually buy too much and then have to go back to the store to return stuff. Together we would make a great team;).

  11. love the xo and kissing ball! i had a long list of crafts to do and i just didn't get to it for valentine's day. oh well!

  12. Such a GREAT job on both projects. I LOVE the paper you chose for the letters. It's funny how theraputic crafting is.
    Have a great week.

  13. I am always heading back to the store because I was too cheap the first time! Love the XO's and the rose petal ball! By the way, yes, I am still finding random Christmas items that were missed and forgotten about!

  14. So where can a person buy the X and O at? Michaels??

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  15. I love the XO and that is too funny about not getting the other letters to save money and now having to go back bc I sure would have done the same da'gum thing!!! In fact, I do that all the time!

  16. Very pretty! I am doing nada for Valentine's Day, unless you count the white & red silk ornaments that are still in some glass thingees left over from Christmas ;)

  17. LOVE all your love...especially the V-day candy in all the different jars. CUTE!

  18. I haven't had the energy yet to get the Valentine stuff out. Still have New Years going on around here! Thanks for the ideas.

  19. Oh for cuteness sake!

    Someone's been hitting the Hob Lob again. ;-)

  20. So cute! It's like a little rosey misteltoe ball...which is really much more appropriate for Valentine's than Christmas, don't ya think?

    The XO is really cute too.

  21. I loved all your Valentine's day creations! I love the idea of a kissing ball! I think it is so more appropriate for Valentine's day then Christmas! I love the X and the O too cute! Great ideas!

  22. Lovin everything especially those X and O. Last week I was surfin the web and found JOY letters and saved that for a Christmas craft. Never thought of using the letters for valentines! LOVE it!
    Did you see my post on my blog on the challange this week. Hop on over and check it out. Why oh why is it when I tell myself I cant shop, all I can think about is shoppin???? UGH. I think I might have to run to Michaels and see if they have these letters to keep my mind off of grocery shopping :)

  23. LOVE the XO! Can see why you'd want to do more! Love the little wool heart too!

  24. what a great v-day craft/decor idea! I like the XO(XO) a lot!!! thanks!!!


  25. Such fun ideas! Thanks for sharing.

    I too have been sad about tiny Cora. I have had her family in my prayers.

    Have a wonderful day~

  26. Lovely my Dear... I'm feeling the need to warm up this dreary winter weather with some crafting too. But first... laundry! Oy! :)

  27. Love your ideas...gonna copy a few :)

  28. Always love stopping by and taking a peek at your great ideas...Love the photo of your Valentine candy display...

  29. Those xo signs are too cute! I do the same thing...I get all anxious and cheap-o at the store and then I get home and wish I had bought a few more...oh the pains of being frugal!

  30. VERY Cute!!!!!

    Also, loving the paint chip tag idea. I'm absolutely loving it!

  31. Love your Blogg!

  32. We decorate a lot with candy - too much cause I always end up snacking on them all night (you know, after my kids go to bed so they don't see me!)

  33. Love the letters! If you need any help finishing off that Christmas candy, just let me know!!

  34. Love it!

    I am still grappling with your last post too. She looks to be so close in age to my LaLa. I just can't process it.

    I have been cleaning and de-cluttering too! And then I craft and clutter it up again! Hehe.


  35. I think we all needed a little pick me up after your last post. I sat at my computer that night and just balled my eyes out. I could not stop, it was almost uncontrollable. It's so hard to process something so tragic. I've been praying so hard for her familyand will continue to do so.


    p.s. Your rose petal kisssing ball is adorable!

  36. I love that crafting can be so cathartic! Beautiful work!

  37. I like the XO!

    It was good to be able to pray for the families involved in the posts. Why so many all at once. What is going on?

  38. i love the XO, hmmm you got my creative juices flowing now!


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