Easy makeover changing out dresser hardware

November 07, 2011

I’m sharing a really simple update I’ve talked about a few times – but it makes such a BIG difference (I think anyway).

Earlier this year I showed you the Craigslist dresser I got for the office:

I’ve purchased a few things from this Craigslist seller, and she always uses those basic wood knobs on all of her pieces. They were on the buffet in the foyer as well (before on left, after right):


You can see more about those glass knobs here.

Because I love the look of those on the black furniture so much, I decided to check out Hob Lob during the half off knobs week (the most magical week of the month baby!) last month.

They didn’t have the look I was going for, but I LOVE what I ended up with! First, I had to get those dang wood jobbies off – which isn’t as easy as it sounds. These are always stuck on GOOD – I think she puts them on immediately after painting, so they stick and end up curing on there.

To get them off, I used a razor to score around the knob, then hit a putty knife with a hammer to get them to pop off:

Of course you’ll want to unscrew them first. Cause if you forget that step, you may keep banging on the knob wondering WHY IN THE WORLD IT WON’T COME OFF:


No fear – if the new hardware will cover your little freak out, you’re good. ;)

hobby lobby hardware

The middle of the top drawer had smaller knobs, and of course those left the biggest mess when I took them off:

changing out knobs

Because I was installing smaller hardware there, I needed to fix them up a bit.

I just sanded them down and then used my own black paint to touch it all up. You can’t even tell:

white ceramic knobs

You can close up, but like always…anyone that would notice that would get a cookie. And no one has gotten a cookie yet. Well…they have, but not for noticing my imperfect projects. :)

So here’s a couple before and afters -- the blah wood knobs on the left and the new-but-look-old on the right:


black dresser black knobs

black dresser white oblong knobs

I LOVE them against the black! 

The white ceramic looks fantastic with the white board and batten behind it. And they make opening the drawers SO much easier – they are much deeper so it’s easier to get a hold of them. Bonus!

Here’s a before shot of the whole dresser:

And the after!:

white knobs black dresser

Excuse the horrible night shot – the good photos may be lost forever because of daylight savings time. ;)

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  1. Love love LOVE those. My love has officially been registered. ;)

  2. Thank you so much for hosting!! I am SO sorry that my post doesn't include your button or a link back. I'm having some major issues with the back end of my blog today and I can't get in to edit my post. I'm hoping to have things straightened out tomorrow so I can add your link!

  3. The dresser looks fabulous! :)
    thanks for hosting this great party,

  4. Yes! Awesome update, Sarah. :) Those knobs really stand out nicely. :) I tried to get this post's URL to pop up, but for some reason it will only show me your homepage. So, for now, I am linked up with your homepage.

    Thank you for hosting. I shared our Thanksgiving Tree--the wall "Before" was bad. Really, really bad.

  5. Thanks for hosting! Love your dresser update & LOVE Hob Lob half off knobs week!

  6. Thanks so much for hosting Sarah! I linked up our homemade Star Wars costumes (#23) and our Dining Room Centerpiece (#35) -- which YOU inspired! I loved yours so much and made my own version....thanks for the inspiration!

    ~ Mara

  7. Loved your update! Those knobs make such an impact! And thank you so much for hosting! Have a great week!


  8. Wow! What a difference something as simple as new knobs can make! Love it! Thanks for hosting...hugs...Debbie

  9. WooHoo, I got my links in before there were 587 before me! ;) The knobs make a huge difference...great makeover.

    And since you asked for Christmas goodies, I added a few from last year. :)

  10. Nice knobs, Sarah!! heehee You left that one wide open. =) Your dresser looks great with it's mini facelift. Did you move it to a new spot in your office? How's it going in there? Are you close to showing it off???

    Thanks soo much for hosting! Have a great week, girly!

    ~ Catie

  11. I always love the look of new knobs on a dresser. It changes everything! Yours look fabulous! Thanks for hosting :)

  12. I love those white knobs! They look so great on that piece!

  13. Oh my gosh, those white knobs are gorgeous! Making a mental note to remember them for any future black furniture... or maybe I'll just pin them.

    Thanks so much for the party, I look forward to it every month! ;)

  14. Looks great! Thanks for hosting!

  15. Wow! It looks stunning now! I love those knobs! Thank you for hosting!

  16. Love the knobs on that dresser! Just an FYI, this is the first time that I've linked up and it is my understanding that it is all projects for the month...so I linked a few. Hope that is ok! Thanks!!

  17. Love it....especially the knobs!

    Thanks for a great party...always full of great links and inspiration.


  18. Those knobs were exactly what the dresser needed. Perfect! And thanks for hosting a great party!

  19. I LOVE the new knobs, they made such a huge difference! Thanks for all of the time that you spend sharing your ideas with us, you are such an inspiration. :)

  20. Those knobs are terrific - I can't believe they are from Hobby Lobby!

  21. The new knobs are fantastic!

    Thanks for hosting this awesome party :)

  22. They make your dresser look so much better!

  23. I hit the half of knob sale at Hobby Lobbby too! Icould have spent a fortune there! Anyhoo, this is the first party I have linked to, and I just thought that was fitting since you are the first blog I really started reading...you really introduced me to the blog world!! Thank you!!

  24. We finally have a Hobby Lobby in my city! :)

    I'm curious what your "go to" black paint is and what your favourite white is, as well. Thanks!

  25. Loooove your new kenobs! It makes all the difference, doesn't it? The brass plates behind are really pretty. Those wood knobs are so plain, they add no life.

  26. they add such a custom look to it! fabulous!

  27. I so wish we had a HL here, I'd love to just stand there and look at all the lovely knobs that they sell, love them on the black dresser! Thanks for hosting this great before and after party!


  28. The knobs just totally changed the whole look of that dresser! I love it - always amazed at what a difference some small changes can make!

    Thanks for the party - I love seeing what everyone is up to!


  29. What a difference! I can't get over how many other wonderful, creative people there are out there as well!

    Emma xx

  30. Thanks so much for hosting. Last month, I received a lot of traffic from your party...thanks so much!!
    Take Care,

  31. Could you tell me where you got your green glass lamps and green gourd lamp? I'm looking for some (in light blue) for our new nightstands. Waiting for the perfect pair and the right price. kristi@whiteaker.org

  32. LOVE how the ceramic knobs turned out! i listed your blog on my top 10 post today of my absolute most favorite blogs:)

  33. I love those ceramic knobs. I love the knobs at HL and only buy when they are on sale!!

  34. Love the knobs! I am looking for knobs right now myself for a nightstand I painted. You are so talented and FUNNY! I always love reading your posts.

  35. I love before and afters! Thanks for hosting this great party! And your dresser looks muuuchhh better now!

  36. Love the new knobs. Did you ever think you would be putting gold knobs instead of ORB? For real, I'd never believed I'd be going back to gold. CRAZY!

  37. The new knobs are awesome, Sarah! If only HL were closer! Your before and after (with the new floors) is gorgeous ... I know you're enjoying them! And, thanks for hosting!

  38. absolutely love the knobs! And I've been in love with your blog for awhile now :) I just started blogging myself so this is my first time linking up, thanks for hosting this party! I loved having a look around at everyone else's beautiful projects too :)

  39. I want those lamps!!!!
    And the dresser turned out cute too. :)
    Thanks for another month of hosting. I'm off to check out the links......

  40. Holy gravy! I'm late to the party and number 426! Thank you for hosting such an awesome par-taay!
    I love the white knobs against the black!
    Kerry at HouseTalkN

  41. Definitely worth the hassle! Looks MUCH better now. Love the white knobs.

  42. thanks so much for hosting!! I've missed the last few. I wish we had Hobby Lobby's here....I always see such neat stuff coming from there. Love the new knobs! And those clear aqua glass lamps!! I may need to go back and see where those came from! :) Have a great week.

  43. Oh my heavens I LOVE those knobs! You made a huge difference with that change. I wish I had a hob lob here. boo hoo!

  44. Did you paint the dresser black yourself? If yes, what black paint do you recommend?

  45. Love, love, LOVE thos knobs. I wish we had a Hobby Lobby around here.

  46. Hi thank you for hosting. I am always a fan of yours.


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

You can find our paint colors and links to items at the "Our Home" tab at the top of my site.

THANKS so much for reading!