Easy way to install board and batten

April 20, 2010

An easier and cheaper way to get a board and batten look using vertical trim. 

When the Bub’s big boy room fell into place in my noggin a couple months ago, I knew from the start I wanted to use board and batten along the bottom, under the chair rail.

Before the room design came to me, I kept trying of ways to use the apple green stripes in his room – maybe repaint them in new colors, make them thicker, make them thinner…and I finally realized I wasn’t getting anywhere with the room because I was trying to work with them. 

When I let go and decided to do something completely different, I was able to really get creative with the space and move forward. That’s when his new room took shape in my head and I was OK with the apple green stripes being gone.

Well, today they disappeared for good and I did not cry. I did have a lot of flashbacks to painting them years ago with a sweet Bubby in my belly.  ;)

So the board and batten was in my head and I have to tell you, this is by FAR the easiest way to add character to a space with woodwork. Not even one mitered cut in the whole room! I love my wainscoting boxes, but it was nice to not have to match up corners for once. ;)

The material I used for the “board” was simple lattice wood from Lowe’s – it’s really thin and cheap – a 10 foot piece was about $6. The best part – it’s SO easy to cut! I just used my yellow miter box and hand saw to cut everything for this project.

The first step is to determine how far apart you want your lattice. I thought 12 inches looked too close together, and 18 was too far apart, so I settled on 14 inches. Just pick what looks right for your space:

Whenever I install molding with a uniform space between – I always cut a piece of wood or a yard stick to the length I need. I just hold it up over and over so I don’t have to measure every single time.

Because I already had the chair rail up in the room, and didn’t want to take it down, I started by measuring 14 inches from the door frame and measuring the length from the bottom of the chair rail to the top of the baseboards.

I had to do this because the chair rail in this space is the foamy/flexible kind of trim I like to use – and the one bad thing about this stuff is it can be hard to get it exactly straight and level down the wall. You would never notice it, but the length of between the chair rail and baseboards varied by up to a quarter inch in some places.

**Tip #1: If you are starting from scratch with board and batten, just decide on the height of your boards, and cut them all to that length. Install, then install the chair rail or header board over the top. MUCH easier and quicker!

I would mark where the 14 inches fell on the wall, then cut my wood to the right length and nail it in, using a level to make sure it was straight up and down. Then I just continued around the room using the 14 inches:

Basically, it’s a simple as nailing in a lattice piece, holding up your yard stick and installing the next piece with a level.

SO insanely easy, I can’t even tell you. All the cuts are straight cuts. Like I said, if you start without a chair rail, all your cuts will be the same. So you could knock out all of your lattice in no time at all.


I painted it all out in a semi gloss white paint. I usually use high gloss for projects like this, but I had a brilliant idea to use the Behr primer and paint in one, thinking it would cover the stripes better.

It didn’t. 😂

I would have been just fine to go ahead with a coat of primer (that I already had) and two coats of glossy white (that I already had). 

But I loved this paint for the dark blue on the walls in here, so I’m still a believer in it!

The installation of this loverly stuff took just a couple hours. The painting of it? Ummmmm…FOREVER.

Tip #2: If you have any ounce of patience at all and are going to listen to me at all – paint the walls before you install. You will save yourself SO much time. I am typing with a claw instead of a hand right now because I didn’t do this.

Again, if you are starting with a blank wall, paint everything first, measure your lattice and install it. You can finish it all off by installing a chair rail or “header.”

I was shocked and pleasantly surprised at how easy this was to install! The total cost of wood for the WHOLE room? Less than $40. 

Even though it took a gazillion hours to paint it, it is SO worth it:

board and batten

The lattice is thin, but it does stick out from the bottom of the chair rail just a teensy bit. But really, it’s so minor, it’s really not a big deal.

It looks just like it did in my head…I love when that happens!:

board and batten

This was a biggie in getting the room close to done – now I’m onto the fun stuff! Accessorizing, a bit more art, and I’ll be done. I was hoping to finish this week, but I have a feeling it will be next week. Either way, I can’t wait to show you!

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  1. It looks great, Sarah! Beautiful. Okay I fess up. . . I was the whiney mommy who couldn't let go of your beautiful boy's bedroom. . . (I'm sorry I repent!)

    Just did this week ago in the hall. .. love.it.


  2. awesome! thanks for the wonderful how to

  3. wow i am so impressed. amazing job. so inspiring for me. xoxoox

  4. I don't have any pictures, but a girlfriend and I added 1x2's to her hall bath. I think we spaced them 2 feet apart and she wanted to attach them with foam tape thinking they would be easily removable if she changed her mind in the future. They're not removable.

  5. I love it! And I can't wait to get into our house so that I can put molding and lattice all over EVERYWHERE!!! ;D

  6. You are so talented at this stuff! It looks just amazing, and I love the contrast the dark color brings to the room! I got a good laugh at the "excuse me while I pass out..." phrase! Janell

  7. Um, Hi my name is Amber, and I'm addicted to board and batten! LOVE IT! His room is turning out so cute! and SO Big Boy! I like the chair rail, and I would have left it too! And I agree with you on all the tips...PAINT EVYTHING BEFORE! I learned that the hard way too! DANG! It's enough work even when you do do that! I'm gonna give you several links...remember, I said I was addicted...you've been warned! :)




  8. I copied Karla's Board and Batten in my laundry room last fall. It was a test to see if I wanted to do it in one of my main rooms. I love it and I do...just have to figure out which one!


  9. Sarah, this room is turning out so beautiful. I love the new walls. I can't wait until I'm back in my house so I can start adding molding to everything! Thanks for the inspiration.

  10. holy cow, I didn't know it would be so easy. I'm a renter, so I can't do this to my house, but I will seriously keep this in mind in case I can ever buy my own place!!

  11. Thank you so so much for showing us how to do this! I am such a newbie at re-decorating because we rented for 20 years before we bought our little ranch in the country. Now, I'm suddenly faced with the terrifying prospect of making decorating decisions.

    That is just absolutely a fabulous idea! I could do that!!! I'm so excited that I'm not going to be able to sleep. :o)

    This wall is going in my sewing room..guaranteed! I've been posting re-do's this week...but they are little things like re-surfacing an old work table and sprucing up household items with spray paint.

    But this is the real thing!! Thank you again..so much!

  12. Love it, so beautiful. Did you just paint the wall white, in between the boards?


  13. OMG! I've been thinking about doing faux board and batten in my office, so your post couldn't have come at a better time! Love it!

  14. First of all, I was reading all the comments looking for other links to board and batten and got a good chuckle at the spam comments...too funny what people will put on there....

    Anyway, tell me your opinion on putting this in an entryway...do you think it's limited to bedrooms and bathrooms?? I am strongly considering putting it up in my entryway....just need a "profesional" opinion....thanks!!!


  15. Sarah...I just wanted to tell you how much I really enjoy your blog. I love that you explain everything with SO much detail! For a girl like me that is a MUST :)!

    I have been reading for a year or so but hope to put some of your techniques to use soon as I will be working on my boys room, too!

  16. It looks great ! I had a lot of beadboard in my first house but sadly none in this one......

  17. You rock girl! That is one impressive makeover. Now you've got me wandering around my house, plotting where I can do this. Love it! Kerri xx

  18. It looks so great, I want that in my dining room!

  19. Looks fantastic! Love the way it turned out! :)

  20. This transformation really is fantastic! I am interested in your answer to the earlier comment about b&b in an entryway. We have a small entryway with a long hall going back to our living space. The entryway is 2 story. I am thinking that b&b will break up that tall wall space. Thoughts?

  21. It looks fabulackas! Love it, girl!

    Here's my B&B in the family room:


    With my tutorial: http://asoftplace.net/2009/09/board-and-batten-a-tutorial/

    The MDF was cheap, but next time (and there WILL be a next time) I'm going to try your lattice trick.

  22. Beautiful! And SO simple! I must try this sometime!

  23. Be.a.u.ti.ful!! This looks wonderful--it completely transforms the look of the room.

    So, are you glad you went ahead and got rid of the green stripes? Or do you miss them? I'm guessing that this looks so great that you're okay to part with them. Besides, they'll live on in photos and in your heart. :)

  24. I love it! I soo wish we had done this in my entryway/hallway instead of bead board wainscoting. Talk about pain-in-the-butt to paint! And we even bought it primed. Then we also ended up caulking all the little cracks in the bottom from the grooves where it meets the baseboard. Pain-in-the-butt! Oh, well. I can't wait to see the entire room put together!

  25. That is gorgous! And not to mention SMART! I would love to do that in my kitchen and FR...awww maybe one day...wanted to tell you that I've been following your blog for about a year now...and I LOVE IT! you are halarious, creative and you just flat out cheer me up! I hope you ane your claw are doing better as I type this! Bahaha! please come visit me...I've been inspired to start a blog myself...nothing to brag about at this moment but I'm hoping as time goes by I'll learn more and more...www.foresthillsroad.blogspot.com Thanks for all your posts...keep it up! Robyn and Daisy Mae in KY

  26. Thank you, dear! This is just the info I didn't know I needed. The paint before install is going to save me!! And now the guilt and anxiety sets in, because I am out of great excuses for why I haven't started this project! My biggest problem is always pulling the trigger and getting started. Oh, and also those dern kids that need me ALL the time!

    This looks great!!!


  27. This turned out just beautiful.

  28. You have inspired me woman! I now want to tackle this for my kiddos rooms. Yours looks fantastic. Isn't it great when things turn out just like you pictured them?

  29. I have to do this in my bathroom. I love the way it looks in you boys room. So dang cute! I was wondering about putting it up when you already have floor board up. I guess if it is slightly wider that the top of the floor board it will be okay? Your looks great! Thank for the post, I am so excited.

  30. I just started to do this yesterday in my kids bathroom. Some of the lessons I learned was to use a wood the same depth as your baseboards. I am using 4' lengths of 1 1/2" x 1/4" poplar. Also I caulked the "seams" between the wood and the wall. I'll be posting it on my blog when I'm finished. Looks Fanastic !!

  31. I aspire to things coming out just like I see them in my head.

    To date, it has not happened.

    But I'm optimistic. If I keep at it, it has to happen SOMEDAY. Right?


  32. That looks FAB!! Now you have this idea in my head for our master...

  33. Love this! I did a accent wall in my family room. I used lattice too :)


  34. I love this room! Makes me hope for a boy when we have children just so I can copy everything you did.

  35. I need to do this in Asher and Abbie's room. It is simple, but with a huge impact. Plus, it is something that can grow with them from ages 1 and 2 1/2 until we move in the future. I might try it in my kitchen too. Bright sunshine yellow wall with the B&B down below...black and white damask curtains...yummy!

  36. omg. this is fantabulous! we've been trying to figure out what to do in our dining room. i'm in love. i'm going RIGHT THIS SECOND to get all the supplies!!! so i can have hubby do it!!! lol i'll paint tho. i'm not a complete slacker. geez.

  37. I agree, it's very nice.

  38. Beautimous, Sarah!!!!!! :) Two thumbs up!

  39. You never cease to amaze me! This is the first blog I EVER followed, and I am now I am obsessed with these decorating blogs. Please come be my bff and help me decorate my home! haha!

  40. I don't know if I like the board and batten or the wonderfully framed airplane art better!!! Oh, the inspiration keeps coming at us!

  41. GORGEOUS!!! Thank you so much for the tutorial. Everything that you do turns out fantastic and this looks great! I can't wait to install some of my own. Thanks for the inspiration.

  42. love, love, love it! It is beautiful! I have never tried it, but now that i have a house of my own i plan on trying it very soon! thnaks!

  43. This room is crazy good, girl. I am loving it. We are actually going to put the b&b in a room in our basement this weekend! I am doing the lattice strips too...did you see the 8 packs of strips for around $7? I'm going to see how they work...love yours!!

  44. I have done the faux kind in three rooms in my house and LOVE it. The first was my kitchen, then my son's room and finally our master bedroom. I may not be done with it yet. Your's looks great! I love the color blue you chose for the room.
    Here are the links to the first two. We are still working on the master, so no pics yet.



  45. Follow-up question, did you caulk around the edges of the boards? I didn't here you mention that. We did and I think it helped with minimal cracking as the wood expands or contracts do to weather. Yours looks lovely and I'll be so impressed if you didn't caulk.
    Have a good one.

  46. It looks great! This will definitely add some re-sale value, if you're into that kind've thing. Which is all I ever think about when I am remodeling our houses. I guess that's no way to live, but I am stuck in the proverbial 'investment' rut....bleck.

  47. That looks really good AND, it looks like it might be pretty easy, which is always something I'm looking for!

  48. Have just started following your blog and really enjoying what you are doing to your home.. I did that also but to our master bedroom.... here's the link...

  49. be sure to check out the airplane bookends at Target....they are in the area where the "pier one imports" stuff is....silver vintage planes with brown wooden bookends...(I painted the brown part navy blue to match my son's room yay! :-)

  50. Did you have to sand the ends after cutting to length? Just wondered if the wood splinters.

  51. Hey Sarah, thanks for the shout out! I was reading and all of a sudden, hey, that's me! Yours looks fantastic! I love that dark/light contrast of the blue and white!

  52. That looks amazing! It looks so custom and expensive. I love it!

  53. I have been dreaming of doing this in my bedroom forever! I just love the look soooooo much.

    Your turned out beautifully. Great job.

  54. It looks great! I know what you mean about the painting taking FOREVER though. Here is a similar project we are working on. I think we are on week six now. I also used Karla as a reference point.




    Love your blog!

  55. Oh my, I love, love, love this!

  56. Wowee wow! wow! That is awesome. What a fab room!

  57. It looks great! Your blog is always very inspiring!!

  58. I've been reading your blog for several months and I love it! I'm a new blogger, so I've been gathering inspiration and know-how.
    (Love the board and batten project! Turned out great!)

  59. I am amazed by the traffic you have. Goodness... Please send some my way. I have started this new designer challenge (no budge friendly ideas, though), but it should be fun to look at. http://theshinypebble.blogspot.com
    Amazing!!!! How do you do it?

  60. Love it. Your bub's room is turning out SO cute. I did the faux board and batten (with a chair rail like you did) in my daughter's nursery before she was born. She's 15 months now and I still love it. I didn't even know what it was called, I just liked how it looked! I've always called it paneling! Now I know! I have a link to my daughter's nursery, but not any great shots of the b&b...I never thought to do that.

    That's one reason I LOVE reading your blog so much -- I always feel like I have to have the whole room or area put together before I can show anything. So it always takes me FOREVER to post anything. I like how you take works in progress and show us those and then show us how it all comes together. So, for the millionth time, THANKS for inspiring me, yet again! One day I hope to be just like you!

    Here's the link, in case anyone is interested. Now I'm thinking I should do a post just on the walls!


    it really is more of her nursery than B&B, but you can see it in the first pic behind her crib.

  61. Love it!!! It was worth all of that extra painting, cuz it looks amazing! I did my kitchen, but luckily a reader told me to paint the walls and wood 1st & I'm so glad I did!

  62. One question: How did you get the knobs to go into the wall? Thanks!

  63. I've tried this too! I agree with Sarah - it's the biggest bang for your buck (and time) EVER!!! Such an easy project (except the painting) that you can even do it in your 3rd trimester!


  64. totally helpful tip about painting everything first!

    We are doing this to my office next week and I've wondered if painting everything first would be worth it. I know I'll have to touch it up later but, I think I'll go ahead a swipe a few coats on it first.

    looks great!

  65. Sarah, someone on RMS just posted your link as their inspiration. How cool!!! Marti


  66. Woot! Girl I have decided to go ahead and try this! I mean seriously, how hard can it be? I love your sons room. and I've been in awe of the BB.

    Thanks for such great toots!

  67. Amazing! Thank you so much for posting this tutorial because this is what I want to do with my living room (remove the old 70s wallboard, put in something pretty!). I saw a link to this from Nicole @ Thrifty Decorating and now I am a follower of your blog.

  68. I followed your board and batten "how-to" exactly and am so pleased at the result. I linked up to your site in my blog post so that others could follow your tutorial. Everything about this room is perfect! You have incredible design skill. Thank you for inspiring me and so many others.

    Check out my "big boy room"....


  69. I'm thinking about doing board and batten treatment in our small master bathroom, and we're considering using a different type of trim for the top. I was glad to see you use chair rail on the top of your B&B; it helps us visualize how it would look in our place. Great job and thanks for sharing!

    Erin @ The Great Indoors

  70. Love love love your site!!! Super inspirational for DIYers.. well, i'm totally inspired by you!!! I have a question.. how do you install this if you have baseboards and heaters? I guess you can't? What about the trim on windows? do you keep it?


If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here!

You can find our paint colors and links to items at the "Our Home" tab at the top of my site.

THANKS so much for reading!